Unconscious Bias

Isn’t It Time To Change Our Unconscious Bias

Isn’t It Time To Change Our Unconscious Bias

Unconscious Bias is the biggest challenge women face in achieving both gender equality and leadership opportunities.

In fact, Harvard’s global online research study, which included over 200,000 participants, showed that 76% of people (men and women) are gender-biased and tend to think of men as better suited for careers and women as better suited as carers.

But it’s not just about gender issues…

In fact MOST of the decisions we make daily about all sorts of things – from our political preference, to different generational or ethnic groups – are steeped in beliefs that may have no truth, strong evidence or facts behind them, but formed from the influences of the people, words or events of our past…. that we are not even aware of!!

While there is no one way to change Unconscious Bias….If we are going to create REAL change, we must first take responsibility to identify and call out our own unconscious biases

In this powerful Facebook Live I shared

1. What is unconscious bias and how it starts.

2. How our unconscious bias is fueled by both traditional and social media.

3. Why it keeps us trapped and playing small.

4. How recognize and take steps to change it

5. Why identifying our own unconscious biases will make a better world for our children.

Identifying and creating conversations around Unconscious of your Bias, forms the cornerstone of the Courageous Feminine Leadership Program… Click here to learn more.

Click on the image to watch on Facebook or Click here to head to my Youtube channel to watch this week’s episode.

You can book in for a Private Chat with me here to see if and how I can help you.

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Sally Thibault