Tapping on Feelings of Sadness throughout the CoVid19 Crisis
Today’s CoVid19 EFT Tapping video is all about releasing worry.
The situation we are in is changing hourly and I find myself oscillating from “We’ll all be fine” to worrying about things that just seem so extraordinarily unbelievable!
But worry doesn’t serve anybody. It’s a future-focused wasted energy…because the solutions you need you will find in the present.
Together we will all get through this!
To view more of Sally Thibault’s activity visit her website: https://sallythibault.com.au/
Watch Facebook Live on Living Lighter Group www.facebook.com/groups/livinglighter
Also, to view more videos of her like “Tapping on feelings of sadness”. Visit us on our website: https://sallythibault.com.au/