tapping on feelings of sadness

Tapping on Feelings of Sadness throughout the CoVid19 Crisis

Tapping on Feelings of Sadness throughout the CoVid19 Crisis

Today’s CoVid19 EFT Tapping video is all about releasing worry.

The situation we are in is changing hourly and I find myself oscillating from “We’ll all be fine” to worrying about things that just seem so extraordinarily unbelievable!

But worry doesn’t serve anybody. It’s a future-focused wasted energy…because the solutions you need you will find in the present.

Together we will all get through this!

To view more of Sally Thibault’s activity visit her website: https://sallythibault.com.au/

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Also, to view more videos of her like “Tapping on feelings of sadness”. Visit us on our website: https://sallythibault.com.au/

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Sally Thibault