Tapping for increased Anxiety

Tapping for increased Anxiety throughout the CoVid19 Crisis

Tapping for increased Anxiety throughout the CoVid19 Crisis.

Here is a tapping sequence for feeling anxious in uncertain times…CoVid19 variety!

How to tap without touching your face!

Great to teach kids too. Let me know if there are other issues you’d like to tap on and I will upload videos each day.

Strong back, soft heart… let’s do these brilliant ones together we will get through this

I started the video with an introduction “I know for many people, this is quite an anxious time. Do you know emotional freedom techniques or tapping? It’s just a brilliant modality to use to help calm the emotional connection.

It’s calming anxiety when you calm that anxiety or overwhelm or fear just helps you think more clearly helps you create that resonance of calm, and that’s what we’re going to do today.

Now, the World Health Organization is recommending at the moment we try and reduce the number of times we tap or touch our faces and of course EFT has always had we tap on brilliant points around the face but the body has other meridian points as well and that’s what we’re going to use today…”

To know more watch this video

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Also, to view more videos of her like “Tapping for increased Anxiety throughout the CoVid19 Crisis”. Visit us on our website: https://sallythibault.com.au/

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Sally Thibault