Isn’t It Time to Change the Story You are Telling Yourself?
Every time we want to make a major change in our lives – whether that’s to lose weight, change careers or make more money, the biggest challenge we face, is not whether or not we can achieve what we want – but whether we have the ability to rewrite a new story. A story that aligns with our future self our future vision.
We all have old stories that form our identity and our beliefs. And rightly or wrongly we become so invested in those stories, they become almost impossible to change.
Sometimes we are triggered by something somebody says, or we find ourselves comparing to a snapshot of somebody’s life on Social media, and we are catapulted straight back in to an old story that tells us …. “I can’t trust”…”I can’t change”…“I am not good enough”… “I never get what I want”… or “This always happens to me…”
On this week’s Isn’t It Time Facebook Live Show I will share:
1. How our story gets started in the first place.
2. How to identify the difference between a “story trigger” and overstepping boundaries.
3. Why we hang onto our old stories so fiercely and why it’s such a struggle to change them.
4. And we ended with a tapping session to help turn a new page, and rewrite a brand new story aligning a new future vision for yourself.
Need help to change that old story – Book in for a 30 Minute Strategy session to see if the VIP Day is right for you…/strategy-session
Click on the image to watch on Facebook or click here to head to my YouTube channel and watch the latest episode.
????THANK YOU so much for watching and if you know someone who may enjoy this video “ISN’T IT TIME TO CHANGE THAT OLD STORY”…Please share