How To Lose Belly Fat With Intuitive Eating
In video #5 in the 10-Part video series – How to Lose Belly Fat WITHOUT dieting – I share my steps to embracing The Art of Intuitive Eating to help you lose that stubborn visceral belly fat.
Intuitive Eating can be a challenging concept to embrace, and for many of my clients the change from restricted eating, or dieting, was often challenging. So to help them embrace the practice, I implemented a step-by-step method, to help them implement the practice WITHOUT stress.
As many of my clients have said Ït is one of the most freeing and empowering things they have ever done!”
To view more Sally Thibault’s video, just click this link:
and leave a comment and let me know if Intuitive Eating is something you have tried… and how it worked for you.
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