Is Work Life Balance Achievable?… It All Depends On What You Believe!

Is Work Life Balance Achievable?… It All Depends On What You Believe!

Work life balance… those elusive three words that play on the mind of many of us.

Is it achievable?  Absolutely.

But a survey of over 1000 workers in 2014 reported that 42% of participants believed that trying to achieve work life balance has actually gotten worse, and 29% believe nothing has changed.

So what’s the answer to this elusive quest for work life balance?Webinar Rego page image

Well the desire to achieve work balance holds the secret to actually achieving it.

What does work life balance really look like? For each person it’s different, but when I am working with clients, it is seeking balance in four main areas.

Health and Wellbeing – How to maintain energy and vitality to achieve all you want to do.

Relationships – The quality of time you spend with those who are important to you.

Career success – To have a feeling of accomplishment in whatever role you choose.

Financial Peace – Knowing that you have enough ongoing cashflow to cover all your necessities and a few luxuries.

Seems pretty simple.Health Wellbeing Career Success

So why do so many people struggle with the concept of work life balance?

There are two reasons…

  1. Whether you believe you are good enough, worthy enough… or just plain ‘enough’.
  2. What you are willing to accept.

We attract into our lives what we believe we are worthy of!

If we BELIEVE we are not good enough, then we are like hamsters on a wheel, constantly seeking achievement, sense of fulfillment or acknowledgement, from outside of us.

We are human beings, not human doings. And yet often,deep within us is a core belief that achievement is what determines our worthiness.

The struggle to attain our work life balance says more about what we believe, not what we do.   

Work is what I do — life is who I am.

If we believe we are not good enough or worthy enough, we accept behaviour. We accept the way our employer speaks to us.  We accept the way coworkers act towards us.  We accept how our closest family treat us.  We accept long hours and unachievable deadlines, wearing busy like badge of honour, seeking the fulfillment in what we doinstead in who we are.

The constant striving to achieve perfection, achievement or acknowledgment – is where the balance tips.

You are enough.  You do not have to BE anything else, other than who you are.

So where does this concept develop of not BEING enough?

The events, people and words from our past shape our beliefs about ourselves in the present.

Our past shapes the who we are.  The events, people and words of our past shape our confidence, our worthiness, our sense of fulfillment and our expectation of life.

But the most wondrous thing is that when you learn to ask the right questions, and listen with your heart to the answers, then release the intensity of the beliefs that keep you trapped in the doing, you have the ability to shift the balance.

  • “What do I need to do to feel fulfilled?
  • “What part of me feels I am not worthy enough, good enough, perfect enough?
  • What am I accepting in my life, because I don’t believe in my worth?
  • Where in my life am I comparing myself to others?

Balance is about living in the present moment.  Recognising and releasing the beliefs that keep you trapped in feeling ‘not enough’.  Because when that happens your balance will find it’s own centre. When you honour and value you – you no longer have to seek balance, it unfolds effortlessly in your life.

If you are struggling to attain work life balance in your life, join me on a free webinar where I will share with you my five easy ways to fine-tune your work life balance

Click here to register and choose a date and time that suits you

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Sally Thibault