Why It’s Time For A Brand New Approach

2020 is causing us to rethink many old paradigms…and the impact of stress, anxiety and overwhelm on our body has become one such area.
As many people are now experiencing, the old approaches are not working any more..
And it is time for a brand new approach.
On this week’s Living Lighter Show I shared..
1. That in order to create long term success – our focus has to shift.
2. Why we need a multi-faceted approach that is actually far more effective than just restricting food or increasing exercise.
3. How this change will make a massive difference to what you do daily.
4. Why modalities such as EFT and Meditation now must become a priority – for your health and wellbeing
On the show, I also launched my brand new mini-online course – Mastering EFT for Personal Use… Click here to read more www.sallythibault.com.au/mastering-EFT to help you understand how to use this simple technique and gain the maximum benefits.

Time For A Brand New Approach


Sally Thibault