Why It’s Not All About Tapping
As you know, I am a great proponent of the wonderful Energy Psychology technique of Tapping.
Ever since I was first introduced to EFT three years ago, I have been using daily tapping to clear limiting beliefs about money, success, weight, energy, confidence… well just about anything really.
I do regular tapping videos, as well as teach clients, teachers and school staff how to use this wonderful modality.
But I also have be honest – Tapping is NOT the thing that is going to make you successful, confident, or magically weigh less overnight!
Tapping is the modality that clears the limiting beliefs that have created the challenges in your life. It helps you release the emotional connection to a pattern that is formed from people / words or events from your past. It is awesome because it is fast, effective and often permanent.
But it’s not the quick fix, nor it is the ONLY thing you should be doing to achieve the outcome you want.
While tapping is a great modality – it is a PART of a holistic approach to life.
If you want to lose weight – you can tap to release food cravings – but becoming an intuitive eater, choosing wholeness and health over fast and cheap food; setting aside regular exercise – is the key to permanent weight loss and abundant health and energy.
If you want to release blocks around money – you can tap to release genetic and family beliefs about money – But creating weekly, 30 day and 90 intentions about what you are going to DO to increase your cashflow – is the way to create wealth.
If you want more confidence and success in your life – you can tap to release the patterns that created the limiting belief about what is possible in your life – But laying out a plan of action to DO something weekly or daily to move forward in your business or career – is the way to create true success.
All too often I see people who think that tapping is the panacea of all ills. That by tapping all of a sudden everything changes.
It doesn’t.
Nor is tapping something you can do once or sporadically
Tapping changes what you think about yourself and what you believe is possible. It becomes a way of life. A tool that you can use every time you have that limiting belief, thought or overwhelming emotion that takes over. In fact, it is the go-to tool to use when ever you have a thought or a moment when you feel things are not going the way want them to.
But,what you DO with your new found way of looking at life – is the key to creating success.
If you are ready to make some MAJOR changes in your life… if you are ready to use Tapping to release what you think possible now and realign what you believe possible in for your future.
Book in for a FREE Strategy session to see if and how I can help you CLICK HERE
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