Why Intuitive Eating is NOT about food!

Why Intuitive Eating is NOT about food!

Why Intuitive Eating is NOT about food!

The biggest problem most women face in understanding how to embrace Intuitive Eating… is to think that it is about food.

It is not!

I have been both practising, and now coaching women how to incorporate Intuitive Eating into their lives, for over three decades, and there is one key element so many miss….


It is not about good food or bad food, or whether one way of eating is right for you or not.

It is not about body acceptance or wanting to lose those extra kilos…

And yet it’s all of it.

To fully understand the methodology behind intuitive eating is to not focus on what you do…. but why you do it …because that is where the transformation occurs.

On this week’s Living Lighter Facebook Live Show, I shared the 4 Key elements you HAVE to incorporate into your life to understand the power of this practise.

This is simply the last frontier for many of us… and it’s time right now to change the rules to help you feel stronger, leaner & lighter!!

#intuitiveeating #strongerleanerlighter #facebooklive #transformation

Watch Facebook Live on Living Lighter Group www.facebook.com/groups/livinglighter

and if you have not yet done the quiz, you can click here to access it www.sallythibault.com.au/quiz

Also, to view more interviews of her like “The Five Stages of Change”. Visit us on our website: https://sallythibault.com.au/

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Sally Thibault