The Anti-Aging Benefits of Journaling

The Anti-Aging Benefits of Journaling

The Anti-Aging Benefits of Journaling

Do you journal regularly?

Is it something you keep trying to do… but never seem to stick with it?

On this week’s Living Lighter Show I shared the incredible health – and anti-ageing benefits – of the simple practise of writing a daily journal. Including

1. How Journaling increases Brain health [Scientific Study]

2. Why Journaling can help increase your immunity and wellbeing.

3. How Tapping and Journaling go hand in hand

4. The one key element to add to your daily journal writing that will make a HUGE difference in helping you reverse the aging clock!

Hi, I’m Sally Thibault – Intuitive Women’s Accountability Coach helping women who want to live better and live longer. I’m also a Master Trainer in EFT/Tapping.

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#eft #emotionalfreedomtechniques #tapping

Sally Thibault