Tapping to Rewrite Your Story
Sometimes I see the saddest thing.
I speak to hundreds of women in the work I do….women who run businesses; women who are employed in business; women who have spent the last decades raising children; women who are happily married; women who are still searching for the love they deserve.
I have heard stories of heartache and grief of losing parents, partners and children, and the pain of surviving sexual abuse or domestic violence.
But those incidents, whilst painfully tragic, are not the saddest thing I see.
The saddest thing is the woman who is not living her most brilliant life because events, people or words from her past that dictate her present and impact on her future.
She is the woman who by circumstance is not living her truest self, because the belief in it being possible was taken away from her.
Instead of shining, she questions whether she is good enough; instead of being brilliant, she thinks her body is not perfect enough; instead of being all she can be, she shrinks from success believing she is not worthy enough.
Our reality is only our perception of what we believe. Every one of us is born to be brilliant. But throughout our lives, painful events, people or words pierce our hearts, shatter our souls and rewrite what we believe to be true for us.
Like shattering glass, those pieces shear off the wholeness of us, scattering our power, our confidence
and our self belief. Creating new stories and patterns that we play out as if they are real.
They are not.
I am passionate about facilitating the pathway for women to finally step into their brilliance. To unravel the beliefs, thoughts, emotions, feelings, words and actions that have created their current reality and create a new reality.
To release the pain, emotion and sadness of the past; to tear down the shackles of self imposed limitations; to reclaim the shattered pieces of themselves; to rewrite the future the way it was supposed to be.
Why am I so passionate? Because I was once this woman.
The one who believed she wasn’t worthy enough, perfect enough, smart enough or good enough. The one who wasted countless hours of creative thinking moments worrying about my body, what I said or what I did. The one who lay awake at 2am feeling as if there was something missing – the real me and the ‘me’ I shared with the world two entirely different beings.
And now I am no longer that woman.
Now my life looks different from behind my eyes. My relationships more loving; my friendships are more empowering; my business more successful and my sense of who I am beyond what I believed possible.
It all happened through the power of Tapping. Allowing me to release limiting beliefs, disempowering thoughts and negative words – to create a new reality from the inside out!
It was not an overnight change – but a change that happened to allow me to step into my brilliance easily, joyfully, lovingly and powerfully.
And I am so grateful to have this modality – for myself and for the women I now work with. I have seen women release the pain of the past to rediscover a new confidence, and in doing so attracted new relationships; created new businesses and success; and release weight that no longer serves them.
It is truly a wondrous thing to be able to change your future, simply by releasing what you believed true about you in the past.
Success is not changing who we are – it’s reclaiming who we are
If you are ready to step into your brilliance… just let me know by popping me an email [email protected] and lets see if and how I can help you reclaim you! xo
An Excerpt from Sally’s new book ‘Tapping to Reclaim You – 30 Days To More Energy, Confidence and Success” Due for release December 2015
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