Christmas Season

Keeping sane and healthy during the Christmas Season

Keeping sane and healthy during the Christmas Season

Well here it is, December! And you know what that means… Christmas parties, Christmas gatherings, Christmas planning… and Christmas stress.

Not to mention it can also mean a few extra Christmas kilos!

So some tips on how you can enjoy Christmas this year, without the added stress, or the added weight!


Kindly click on the image to listen to the interview.

Also, if you want to break through that ageism barrier… or re-discover your perfect for your shape, so you feel lighter and look amazing… Click here to book in for a free 30 minute chat to see if and how I can help you reverse the ageing clock!

????THANK YOU so much for listening and if you know someone who may enjoy this interview “Keeping sane and healthy during the Christmas Season”…Please share and visit us on our website:

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Sally Thibault