Why Reviewing Your Year Is Critical to Success

With only one day now left, before the clock signals a new year… it is now a time to turn a little inwards, to review this past year, and your success and your challenges.

There are a number of reasons why an honest review of your past year is so critical to creating success in the coming year.2016-review

1.We Can be Our Own Worst Critic

We are often our own worst critics, and criticise ourselves if we feel we haven’t achieved the success we think we should.  But we are on a journey, our own personal journey.

The journey is not a race, but often a winding, twisting, detour enhanced road that is our personal learning highway!

Your journey this past year, may have been an internal, personal one, where the successes can only be ‘felt’, not seen.

Or perhaps your journey this year has been about supporting others. Or maybe you are moving towards success that may take some more time to eventuate.

But now is the time to acknowledge you, and if you are struggling to find success, ask others.  What have they seen you do? Evolve to? Reclaim? Experience? Change?… you may be very surprised.

So take your journal, or diary, and create a list of all the things you have achieved; all the great moments; all the times when you achieved success or you made one step forward to making change.  Do not discount anything!

2. Success Often Comes In Small Increments

Not all success is a huge ‘wow’… rather it can be over time.  But because we are naturally programmed to search for the adrenaline fuelled  ‘high 5’s’, we can miss the small incremental successes along our journey.

The times when you were there for a friend in her time of need; a small 2 or 3% increase in cash flow from this time last year … or even a 1kg weight loss achieved.

It’s the small incremental successes that will lead to long term success.

 3. Social Media Comparison – The Thief of Joy!

Comparison is the thief of joy, and in particular social media comparison!

Many who post about their ‘6 figure’ business, or ‘lap top’ lifestyle, or who post images of themselves hanging out with beautiful people, in beautiful locations, stage those photos to get  ‘likes’ on Instagram or Facebook… or to sell you an overpriced program!  And are not a reflection of reality.

Most truly successful people take years to get to achieve success, usually with many dark moments in between. But you don’t see the dark moments on social media.  You don’t see the doubt, the frustration, or their bank accounts, in the years leading up to their ‘overnight success’… or the glamorous lifestyle photo!

Your journey is your journey.  Be careful in your review that you have not been comparing somebody’s ‘best day (year) on social media, with your most challenging day (year)!

4. Creating Personal Benchmarks

To set intentions that work, knowing what challenges you faced throughout the previous year, is critical to growth.

If you set an intention in 2016 that did not eventuate… now is the time to ask “What do I need to see?”  “Was the expectation too high?”  “Was the ‘how’ aspect of that intention not clear enough?”   Did I sabotage my success? Was time management an issue?  Who do I need to hire to help me achieve what I want?

Not reaching the intentions we set, can be created from a series of issues.  Asking the right questions, will help you create better outcomes for your future intentions.

5. Tap On It!

As part of your review procedure, now it is time to go back and look at where the challenges arose, and see if there were underlying limiting beliefs that hindered you achieving what you wanted.

Some examples could be:Tapping changes what you believe possible

  • Fear of success
  • Fear of failure
  • Procrastination
  • Self-sabotage
  • Fear of being criticised
  • Fear of shining
  • Self-doubt

Understanding the Why behind your challenges is a key element to creating a new success path for a new year!

(You can search either my You tube channel, or Closed Facebook group Tapping to Reclaim You – to find videos that might help!)

  6.  Gratitude

Where ever you are right now, you will have grown in someway over 2106.  Whether you had a fantastic year, or a challenging year … you will be a different person from the person who wrote your intentions in 2015.

Taking time to review, and express gratitude for what you have achieved; who has supported you; the life you have created to this point… is a guaranteed way of beginning 2017 on the best foot!

May 2017 be a year of magical blessings, abundance, success and joy for you… you simply need to intend it, and place the desired steps behind it and it will unfold for you!ebook-success-version-2-smaller


Have you downloaded the free success e-book yet?  A free resource that can help you create powerful intentions, using a unique 6-step process that allows you to create crystal clear intentions, together with practical steps to achieving what you want!

Click here to download it

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Sally Thibault