How To Lose More Belly Fat With Mindfulness

How To Lose More Belly Fat With Mindfulness

In Video #9 in the How to Lose Belly Fat series, I explain why mindfulness can result in women losing more belly fat. Several studies now confirm mindfulness and meditation greatly assist in losing belly fat.

A study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine showed that dispositional mindfulness, (being more present and acknowledging your emotions) impacted on weight loss and in particular belly fat. Women who practice mindfulness recorded lose more belly fat than those who did not.

A study at the University of Missouri found that when people focused on mindfulness, awareness, values clarification, and self-regulation in particular with intuitive eating they were more likely to be successful in releasing belly fat.

How To Lose More Belly Fat With Mindfulness Video

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ALSO- I have a new FREE Download for you… 4 EFT scripts from my book Tapping to Reclaim You – that you can use during the day at work or if you can’t access a video Tapping on Stress, Overwhelm, Having Too Much To Do, and Not Having Enough Time….

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