What Your Isolation Trigger Food Is Telling You
As the weeks of isolation wear on, the more likely you are to be experiencing more intense emotions.
Especially so when you are either stuck at home with family – or you are separated from them.
Right now, our triggers can be intensified, because we cannot ignore them or run from them. And because of that, we are more likely to experience greater, or even different, food cravings than normal
But … the type of food you crave tells you what you need emotionally. Right now is the perfect time to create that deeper understanding in readiness for when this will all be over!!!!!
On this week’s Living Lighter Facebook Live Show “What Your Isolation Trigger Food Is Telling You” I have shared with you:
1. What each ‘trigger’ food is trying to tell you
2. Why trying to ‘ignore’ it, only makes it worse
3. How to use EFT & Visualization correctly to honour the REAL reason, so you can enjoy the food without it controlling you!
For more tapping sessions, you can join us at the Living Lighter Facebook Group.
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To view more videos of Sally Thibault like “What Your Isolation Trigger Food Is Telling You” https://sallythibault.com.au/