How To Lose Belly Fat With EFT – Part B
In the second video in this series on How To Lose Belly Fat Without Dieting, I shared how the power of the evidence-based modality of Tapping (often referred to as EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a powerful way to help reframe stress.
Now in this video, I share how to implement Tapping, with a script that you can use anytime and we are focused on releasing stress to help you fight that annoying visceral belly fat, often caused by too much stress
Remember, this EFT script is designed to be generic in nature.
Click her to watch
To view more Sally Thibault’s video, just click this link:
In order for Tapping to work really effectively, it is important to get to specifics. Use the Words, People or Events of your past that have caused you to feel vulnerable, hurt, doubt or fear.
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