bad day, sally thibault, eft

Don’t Quit On A Bad Day

Don’t quit on a bad day!

I was listening to a great podcast during the week – Jenna Kutcher’s Goal Digger Podcast

She was interviewing Entrepreneur Ed Mylett and talking about the challenges of entrepreneurship.
Ed shared a story about how many times he has felt he had his back up against the wall, when
Jenna shared something really profound.
. . “Don’t quit on a bad day”!! OMG! How true is that?
On a bad day – is the time to double down your efforts, challenge your vision and beliefs, ask the right questions, remember why you started in the first place.
Then when you have a good day – that’s when you can ask yourself… am I ready to quit now?
How many times have you been tempted to throw in the towel and walk away, because it’s too hard?
But then how many times when you have felt like quitting…but suddenly you had that one idea, or met with that one person, who said something, or did something, that gave you yet another idea, opportunity or motivation to keep going?
And that’s not just about business.. it also relates to trying to find your ‘perfect for your shape”, when it feels like you have

When it feels like all the work and effort you are putting in is not working.
It also relates to relationships, when perhaps in the midst of a heated argument you have said something so hurtful and reacted by walking away – and later regretted it.
In those moments of feeling like it’s all too hard is right at that moment when your inner work becomes exceptionally important.
It’s easy to talk about vision and goal setting and meditation and EFT and affirmations when times are good.
But when times are hard, that is the time to really focus on the inner work… because that is where you will find the right answers.
If you, or somebody you know, is having that ‘bad day’ today – just remember the most successful people in the world were the ones who took a ‘bad day’, and turned it into their greatest lesson!

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Sally Thibault