C H A N G E can be challenging
And in my years of coaching, I have found that clients go through 5 stages of C H A N G E.
Stage 1 – HARD & HEAVY Perhaps you want to lose weight, feel stronger, start a new business, or write that book you have always talked about.
It takes 66 days for an intention to become a habit. Up until that point you need sheer willpower and determination. Implementing simple habits is the only way to get through this stage!
Stage 2 – BUMPY & CHAOTIC This happens between the 6 – 12 week mark. Here you will have days where you are motivated and days when it all feels a bit chaotic. It’s right here that you need a strong vision and focuses on the inner work to help you ride out those bumpy moments often caused by limiting beliefs and past stories.
Stage 3 – MESSY & DISJOINTED Often about the 12 weeks to 16-week mark. It can feel like nothing runs smoothly. Often the Imposter Syndrome, doubt, and fear show up.
As you question whether this is really what you want and if it is really worth it? Here the focus shifts to deeper inner work to uncover self-imposed limitations.
Stage 4 – ETHEREAL & UNTETHERED Usually around the 5th month of implementing change, and you may feel untethered and not yet grounded. You know you have C H A N G E you know you can’t go back to the old way, but the new way of being hasn’t quite anchored yet.
People may start questioning you, challenging you and you get triggered by their responses. Perhaps the change you are seeking hasn’t yet started to feel anchored in. But at this point you know there is no turning back
Stage 5. STRONGER, LEANER & LIGHTER- This is where you feel free, joyful & content. Others notice you have c h a n g e, and stop questioning and start complimenting you!
You feel STRONGER as you experience the power of speaking your truth. You feel LEANER as you release the past stories that have weighed you down- and life feels lighter as you being to manifest synchronicities easily. With all of these, you can tell whether the C H A N G E can be challenging or not.
To view more blogs like “C H A N G E can be challenging”, click on this link: https://sallythibault.com.au/media/
ALSO- I have a new FREE Download for you… 4 EFT scripts from my book Tapping to Reclaim You – that you can use during the day at work or if you can’t access a video Tapping on Stress, Overwhelm, Having Too Much To Do, and Not Having Enough Time….https://sallythibault.com.au/four-free-scripts
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